Matt Goss UK tour kicks to quarter filled RAH

 Matt Goss UK tour kicks off to a quarter filled 

Royal Albert Hall

 Freelance Reporter Aimee Smith 15th March 2023

Bros Frontman Matt Goss has kicked of his UK Tour to quarter filled Royal Albert Hall,  At closing this evening  the Royal Albert Hall Box Office was selling ticket for less than £8.50 to try and fill the remaining 2,835.seats.

Th box office also had sent email to fans stating their seat would change and be moved forward to try fill gaps of the unsold seats especially at the ground floor arena area.
Matt has be trying since the 9th December 2022 to sell his tickets for his Las Vegas style show, with him giving away over 400 free tickets over the past 3 months for the RAH event.

His management  team was also out in London last night once again asking street goers if they would like to see his show for free.

Since the tour was announced back in December 2023 the Bros frontman had to cancel Croydon Fairfield hall due to poor sales with tickets holder having their ticket transferred RAH. 

Matt also had to cancel his show in Perth  as he only sold 55 tickets for that particular event. Those who had purchased tickets were giving the option to have theirs's transferred to Glasgow City hall, where its been reported by the event promoter that seating for this event has also been reduced with no tickets being sold for the top tier.

The show itself lacked any style or class with Matt groaning out cover of  classic Cole Porter hits.
Goss who now returned to his Vegas style show after his last album failed to be a commercial success.

What still surprises me about Goss, his the narcissistic attitude and his need to constantly seek attention and how he needs to be admired. 
The fact is Matt style of music is boring and his performers are so dull I'd rather sit in a empty house staring at blank wall and I 'd still have a more enjoyable experience. 


  1. Lisa Rossbottom16 March 2023 at 22:19

    I went to the show with my friend as she is massive MG fan, the show was not great with Matt singing to half empty hall, The music was boring he lacked any creditability and he is a very static entertainer.

  2. Great article about his show and his false persona. I went to the show only because I've been log time fan of Matt and Luke back in the Bros days. As I was staying in London for the week with work. I was given 2 free tickets for the show, the hall was so empty with the top tier completely empty and the second tier, people were moved to the front to try hide the all the empty rows of seats, Even the arena area near the stage had over 200 empty seats. The show was crap and after around 45 minutes my friend and I walked out with RAH staff asking why we not staying, I replied the show shit, the staff just laughed. So don't waste your money.

  3. The show was terrible thousands of empty seat with top two tiers all 99% unsold

  4. The worst Vegas style show I've ever been to and he ruined all of Cole Porter music, know wonder the Times rated the show 3 stars. I personally would only give the show 1. Star rating.


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