No Interest in Matt Goss. Sheffield City Hall Show Fails To Sell Out, With Tickets Selling For Less Than £10.

 No Interest in Matt Goss.

Sheffield City Hall Show Fails To Sell Out, With Tickets Selling For Less Than £10.

Pic taken at Sheffield City Hall 

Editor Stephen Hill 28/03/23

Former Bros frontman is hitting the stage at the Sheffield City Hall tonight, but the singer and his promoters have to lower tickets prices to just £10 to try and generate interest.

So far Matt UK Tour has failed to attract any interest with him having to cancel his first two UK shows, Croydon and Perth due to low ticket sales.

Fan's that purchased Croydon tickets had the opportunity to have their ticket validated for RAH.
Matt' then rescheduled his third show which was being held at RAH in hope he could sell out the venue.

Unfortunately for ex Bros frontman the RAH also failed to sell out with the top two tiers being removed from sale and the hall on the night only being quarter full with hundreds of empty seats.

 His management also in their attempt took the streets of London trying to giveaway free tickets to London party goers hoping they would want to see the ex Vegas crooner. 

Matt once again will be playing in a venue that will be less than quarter full.
The tonight show attendance according to the hall officials will be around 845 people. 

The promoters due their desperation  reduced around  500 tickets to just £10 in the hope they didn't have to cancel the performance. 

  Sheffield City Hall has the capacity to hold 2,271 People, Ticketmaster confirmed that the promoters for the show had asked them to remove over 1400  tickets from sales in the hope they could sell tickets just for the ground floor middle section of the hall, with top two tiers of Sheffield City Hall being closed of from the public. 

Even with the reduced ticket pricing the show failed to sell out the ground floor middle section with 257 tickets still the remaining at close of business.


  1. The venue was empty when we arrived we were told that we been moved nearer to the front as they closed of the 1st and second tiers. There were loads of empty seats on the ground floor as well with back rows also being closed off.

  2. The Sheffield Show was embarrassing, just saying


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